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Practice Areas:

Real Estate, including Foreclosure Law
Commercial Law
Banking, including Real Estate and Commercial Lending
Complex Real Estate Licensing Issues
Commercial & Residential Escrow


Juris Doctor, Willamette University, 1972, Law Review
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of Washington, 1969

Professional Memberships:

Washington State Bar Association
Seattle-King County Bar Association
Willamette Law Review


All Washington State Courts (District Court, Superior Court, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court)
All Federal Courts (U.S. District Court, Bankruptcy Court)

Certified Real Estate Instructor

Department of Licensing #12496 (Certified to teach real estate sales and marketing/real estate practice/real estate law/real estate fundamentals/real estate closing practices/principals and essentials/legal aspects/current trends and issues).

Awards and Honors:

City of Lake Forest Park, Chairman, Board of Adjustment 1998-2000. (The Board of Adjustment renders land use decisions that affect residents of Lake Forest Park)
Rotary District 5030, Assistant Governor, 1997-1998
Lake City Rotary – Rotarian of the Year 1996-1997
Lake City Rotary – Past President
Center for Human Services, Secretary
“Grace Cole” Award, Center for Human Services. This Award is based on outstanding volunteer service.
“Service Above Self” Award, Rotary International, 1984. This Award was received for heading the First Harvest Program, which has provided over 100 million pounds of produce to the needy in the Puget Sound Basin region.
Frequent author and lecturer on real estate issues, including current author of Part One – Basic Real Estate Acquisition Documents – Washington Lawyer Practice Manual (King County Bar Association)


Dale was the principal in Abbott, Curtis, Galvin & Doyle Law Firm prior to the merger with Treece Richdale in 1988, and was the managing partner in Malone Galvin Spicer from 2001 through 2004. He has been active in Rotary International, coached youth soccer for many years and has done extensive traveling in Europe, Africa and Australia.
Dale is the President/Owner of Galvin Realty Law Group, which in addition to providing real estate legal services, operates an escrow branch in Snohomish county.

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